Showing 282 Result(s)

De-digitizing a Mobile Game: Analog Spaceteam!

The “cooperative shouting game” called “Spaceteam” has been a part of the culture of my Digital Learning team for a couple of years now, ever since my friend Manu turned me on to it. If you have never played, you need to download the app to your phone or tablet, get 2-3 friends together immediately …

Subscribe to Ranger Rik via Email

I just enabled email subscriptions to Ranger Rik, in case that is more convenient for you. Fill out the form below or to the right if you would like to receive an email when there are fresh posts to Ranger Rik. It's easy, fun and free!     Subscribe to our mailing list * indicates …

Check out the Field Museum’s Digital Learning Blog

The field of digital learning professionals in science and natural history museums is a miniscule one. So when a new blog appears focusing on digital learning at a museum, it makes me very happy. My colleagues at the Field Museum of Chicago have just launched a new blog called Digital Field Notes focused on their …