Supporting Youth Voice… One Take at a Time

“Hi, my name is Maya. I go to school in the Richmond and I love badminton!” The “North Star” of our education department is to “elevate diverse youth voices.” As a diverse team, we operationalize this goal through a number of different strategies. My job as the manager of online learning is focused on supporting …

Happy New Year!

It’s almost the end of 2021, and what a strange year it has been! The pandemic has again been the main driver of changes to our work, along with a renewed focus on racial justice and equity, both in the larger education system and within KQED as a company. I feel so blessed that I …

kqed halloween party 2021 rik janelle michael isip

Social Anxiety and Work Gatherings

For the past few months I’ve been fortunate enough to be invited to participate in set of “Emerging Leader” professional development trainings at work. I feel honored to have been selected and have been really learning a lot. One of our sessions was about how to be your authentic self as a colleague and a …

Apply Now to Join the Bay Area Media Literacy PLC!

I”m thrilled to announce that I am leading up a new professional learning community focused on Bay Area educators who want to earn the PBS Media Literacy Educator Certification by KQED. We’re calling it the Bay Area Media Literacy PLC (professional learning community.) Getting to work with and support local teachers is one of the …

I’m (weirdly) happy to be back in the office

For the last three weeks, I have been working out of the KQED headquarters in the Mission District of San Francisco. Despite several COVID-19 protocols put in place, such as mask-wearing required indoors, it’s been a mostly pleasant, productive, and even enjoyable experience. A lot of it has to do with how awesome our newly …

Not about the “Clicks”

I was once at a meeting of various social media managers for different Bay Area non profits. Each manager was giving an update on their work and bragging about how many “impressions”, “clicks” and “millions of views” their stuff was getting. The social media manager at my organization got up and talked about how little …

rik speaking at workshop in Ukraine 2013

Upcoming Talks: PBS Annual, CESSAI, NAMLE

As we get close to summer, this is a time when normally we would be prepping for educator workshops, seminars, and conferences. While in-person events are still a ways off, we are starting to get invited to speak at more virtual events over the next months. I’m honored to get to talk about our work …