Showing 35 Result(s)

Mister Rogers and Solution Reporting

Today is the birthday Fred McFeely Rogers, aka “Mister Rogers.” One of my earliest heroes, he modeled for me a way of being, or looking at the world, and a vision for community that continues to inspire me to this day. I now work for a PBS station, which is honestly still a thrill. One …

The 2024 KQED End of Year Staff Pic

I love my KQED Fam. Isn’t our 2024 end of year pic fantastic? Not gonna lie, it’s been a rough year. Lots of faces missing from this picture. There are rocky shores ahead for public media. But in this pic I see literally hundreds of incredibly smart, creative, and dedicated people who want to build …

Public Media Cake Week at KQED

Public Media Cake Day at KQED was glorious. So much amazing cake in celebration of all things public media. Congrats to all the bakers that participated. More about Public Media Cake Week, from the Facebook group. The THIRTEENTH Annual Public Media Cake Week is APRIL 15-19, 2024! Public media folks bake it out in a …

Rollerskating and Implementing a New Skill in the Classroom

So I’ve been thinking a lot about the ongoing challenge of translating our professional learning classes for teachers into actual changes in the classroom. Of course my thoughts go to … roller skating.  During the pandemic, tens of thousands of pairs of roller skates were purchased by people as a response to being cooped up …

Happy New Year!

It’s almost the end of 2021, and what a strange year it has been! The pandemic has again been the main driver of changes to our work, along with a renewed focus on racial justice and equity, both in the larger education system and within KQED as a company. I feel so blessed that I …

rik speaking at workshop in Ukraine 2013

Upcoming Talks: PBS Annual, CESSAI, NAMLE

As we get close to summer, this is a time when normally we would be prepping for educator workshops, seminars, and conferences. While in-person events are still a ways off, we are starting to get invited to speak at more virtual events over the next months. I’m honored to get to talk about our work …