Showing 50 Result(s)

Free Workshop for Teachers in Media Bias June 28

On June 28 I will be leading a free online workshop for teachers : “Help Students Unpack Media Bias and More.” From TikTok videos and “authentic” social media influencers to advertisements and docudramas, teaching students how to critically read media is more important than ever. In this workshop, learn how media messages are put together …

Listen to your Audience

So I’m staffing one of the entry points for KQED Fest today, handing out programs and greeting people. It’s about 11:15am. A beat-up white truck pulls up and an older gentleman in overalls waves me over. He has a sour look on his face. “Good morning, how can I help you?” I ask, in my …

KQED Summer Media Making Day was a Success!

At the end of July, KQED Education hosted about 90 folks for our “Educator Summer Media Making Day”, our first in-person teacher professional development day at our renewed headquarters. Welcoming a crowd of teachers into our building was a thrill for all of us as well as the participants. There will be more official reports …