Showing 72 Result(s)

Leading a Session at NAMLE 2024 on Impactful Student Media Projects

I’m excited to be leading a session at the National Association for Media Literacy Education virtual conference on July 12 at 12:15pm PT. I’ll be facilitating a conversation with three educators that have led inspiring student media projects across various media formats. You’ll learn how English language learners can gain confidence and skills through audio …

The First Teacher to Make a Difference in My Life

Happy Teacher Appreciation Week! Here’s a story of the first teacher who made a profound difference in my life. I was below average for all of elementary and middle school. Then my 6th grade math teacher mid-semester told me I was “too smart” for regular math and belonged in Advanced Algebra. I had never had …

On Classroom Attention and Smartphones

I read this really interesting conversation with Georgetown professor Jeanine Turner on how smartphones have fundamentally changed the dynamic of what students “being present” means, even when the phone is turned off. This section in particular gave me pause: I absolutely believe that every teacher, every presenter in a business situation, if you want people’s attention on you, you …

Featured on NAMLE Spotlight

I was so honored to be featured in the monthly spotlight of the National Association for Media Literacy Education. From the post…. What do you do? I support students in being well rounded digital citizens through fostering effective media literacy pedagogy. I am part of the professional learning team at KQED Education, specifically responsible for two …