Showing 49 Result(s)

On Classroom Attention and Smartphones

I read this really interesting conversation with Georgetown professor Jeanine Turner on how smartphones have fundamentally changed the dynamic of what students “being present” means, even when the phone is turned off. This section in particular gave me pause: I absolutely believe that every teacher, every presenter in a business situation, if you want people’s attention on you, you …

Embracing My Inner Uhura

I was watching the latest musical episode of Star Trek: Strange New Worlds, in which one of the principal characters, Nyota Uhura, considers what her role is on the starship Enterprise. It’s a banger of a number and the actress Celia Rose Gooding kills it. It hit me right in the feels, not only because …

Supporting Youth Voice… One Take at a Time

“Hi, my name is Maya. I go to school in the Richmond and I love badminton!” The “North Star” of our education department is to “elevate diverse youth voices.” As a diverse team, we operationalize this goal through a number of different strategies. My job as the manager of online learning is focused on supporting …

Apply Now to Join the Bay Area Media Literacy PLC!

I”m thrilled to announce that I am leading up a new professional learning community focused on Bay Area educators who want to earn the PBS Media Literacy Educator Certification by KQED. We’re calling it the Bay Area Media Literacy PLC (professional learning community.) Getting to work with and support local teachers is one of the …

Stanford Releases “Civic Online Reasoning” Curriculum: Powerful Lessons in Discerning Fact from Fake

I am delighted to share the new set of curricula from the Stanford History Education Group (SHEG), “Civic Online Reasoning.” This set of teaching resources adds to SHEG’s already impressive contributions to the field of media literacy. A key proponent of the “lateral reading” method of online fact checking, SHEG’s “Civic Online Reasoning” curricula takes …