My Teens Are Too Smart for My Schemes

Conversation with Alex, one of our TechTeens : Alex: Why does it have to be a "competition" when you have us make stuff? Me: It's to motivate you to do your best. People like competitions. Alex: But we already work hard, whether you make it a competition or not. Besides, you always give the winning team …

Science Costume Idea: Steampunk Entomologist!

You know how you make anything cooler? You make a steampunk version of it! Okay, maybe not. But I had some vaguely steampunk-ish items lying around the apartment, and a museum full of science apparatus and toys. So this was the best I could come up with. So here it is: STEAMPUNK ENTOMOLOGIST. Complete with …

DML 2016 Announced: October 5-7 at UC Irvine, California

Interesting news in the digital learning field. It looks like there will be a 2016 Digital Media and Learning conference, despite MacArthur Foundation ending their support for the DML area this year. *Save the Date!* The 2016 DML Conference will be held Oct. 5-7, 2016 at @UCIrvine. More info coming soon. #2016DML — DML2016 (@dmlconference) …

Spectacular Night Tidepooling at Pillar Point!

Last night, I participated in a spectacular night tidepooling activity at Pillar Point, along with a couple of dozen other lucky folks. Pillar Point is a reef just 40 minutes south of San Francisco, most well known as the home of the famous Maverick’s Surf Contest. The California Academy of Sciences has been documenting the …