My Profile in the New Learning Times

The New Learning Times, a publication of the Teachers College at Columbia University, did a nice profile about me recently. I’ve reprinted some it below. See the complete piece by George Nantwi at their site. How did your educational trajectory and past professional experience shape your current work? I have a wide-ranging and circuitous educational …

Exposing Filipinos to the Riches of their Reef

One of the awesomest parts about being on the 2015 Verde Island Passage expedition is getting to connect with and educate the local communities around the area. For our presentations, we try very hard to emphasize the enormous wealth in marine biodiversity that the Philippines possesses.  For these island communities, being able to see the …

Follow My Academy Adventures in the Philippines!

Just a quick reminder that I'm still in the Philippines for the next few days, as part of the 2015 Verde Island Passage expedition for the Cal Academy.  You can read about all our adventures over here on our youth community tumbr:! Lots of awesome stuff going on over here in PI!  

VIP Outreach Team Activate!

Today is the first of four outreach events that Meg Burke, Lindzy Bivings and I will be leading all around the Batangas area. I’m nervous and excited about sharing about science, biodiversity, and sustainability for people on local communities in the Philippines! Our first stop today is a training for about 60 teachers at the …

Incredible Coral Reef and the Academy Aquarium

Working at the Cal Academy, I have spent a good amount of time in our aquarium, particularly our main setpiece, the giant Philippines coral tank. I must admit I have wondered if the sheer diversity and density of life in our tank actually represents what you would encounter here in the Philippines.  Having done several dives …

Cool Specimens in the VIP Makeshift Lab

As I mentioned in a previous post, we’ve got a really neat makeshift lab that we’ve set up in the dining area of the Atlantis Beach Resort. I did a little walk through and spotted these cool specimens that were recently collected. Kelly Markello was working on this beautiful echinoderm. It appears to be leeching …

Snorkeling with Rich Mooi

Yesterday I had the opportunity to go on a snorkeling dive with Rich Mooi, curator of invertebrate zoology at the Cal Academy. Dr. Mooi is one of the principal investigators of the expedition and an expert on marine invertebrates, particularly sea urchin. He’s also an amazing illustrator and science educator. So really a triple threat!     …

Arrived at Atlantis Dive Resort

We’ve arrived! After about 20 hours of flights from San Francisco to Honolulu to Guam to Manila, an overnight stay in Manila, a three hour ride in a van, and a one hour boat ride, we finally arrived at the Atlantis Dive Resort in Puerto Galera yesterday afternoon (Tuesday, April 7).   I have not spent much …