Showing 7 Result(s)

The POPTART Satellite

For one of our science lessons, I had to create a satellite out of recycled materials. Here's my beautiful creation. I named it POPTART, which (of course) stands for "Planetary Observer for Potentially Tasty And Rad Treats." I'll let myself out…  

Giant Robot Punching a Car

On Saturday, I, along with hundreds of others, watched a giant robot punch a car for the first time. Okay, it was kind of a nudge, more than a punch. But small steps! The robot is named the MK.II, and he's getting ready to fight it out against a similar giant robot from Japan. The …

Photoshoot with Cal Academy Interns

Yesterday my colleague Po and I conducted a really fun photo shoot with three of our Careers in Science interns at the Cal Academy: Citlally, Joel and Jazara. They were as energetic, game, and charismatic as I hoped they would be. We got some nice shots! I love my new job at the Cal Academy. …

One Year at Science Action Club!

Today is the one year anniversary of my transition over to the Science Action Club as the Senior Instructional Design Lead. It honestly feels like six months that I've been in this new role, which I am still figuring out. Every day I'm learning something new, exploring new tools, unfamiliar science topics, and new approaches …