Showing 14 Result(s)

Leading a Session at NAMLE 2024 on Impactful Student Media Projects

I’m excited to be leading a session at the National Association for Media Literacy Education virtual conference on July 12 at 12:15pm PT. I’ll be facilitating a conversation with three educators that have led inspiring student media projects across various media formats. You’ll learn how English language learners can gain confidence and skills through audio …

BEASTBOX: Make Your Own Dope Nature Jams!

The Cornell Lab of Ornithology has teamed up with DJ Ben Mirin to bring us BeastBox. Make your own music by mixing wild animal voices with beatbox loops and unlock "Beast Mode" by adding five animals from the same ecosystem. You get access to a special track created by DJ Mirin! I've been playing with it …

Giant Robot Punching a Car

On Saturday, I, along with hundreds of others, watched a giant robot punch a car for the first time. Okay, it was kind of a nudge, more than a punch. But small steps! The robot is named the MK.II, and he's getting ready to fight it out against a similar giant robot from Japan. The …

My Mini Strandbeest!

This weekend, I caught one of the last showings of the Strandbeest at the Exploratorium, along with some work colleagues. A series of “kinetic sculptures” created by Theo Jansen since the 1990s, the Strandbeests combine his interests in science and art. Here’s a video of the Strandbeests in their native environment, the beach. As you …

When I gave our teens 45 minutes to save humanity

I have been helping lead one of our teen project groups for the internship program at the Academy. Project groups are opportunities for our interns to work together on some longer term project or topic, supported by a staff person, over the course of a semester. My project group is called “Big History”, a group of five teens …