Showing 50 Result(s)

Why Public Media is Like Roller Skating

So it’s pledge time again at KQED, the public media station I work at. To spread the word, I decided to create a video on my personal Instagram account on why public media is so important to me. But as anyone who follows me on Instagram knows, I mostly post about roller skating. So I …

KQED Fest 2024

Six Years at KQED!

Today marks my sixth year working at KQED for the education department. Still feel so honored to get to work here, with these incredible people, supporting this important mission to “inspire, inform and engage” our community.

I Love Leading Teacher Workshops!

In the Before Times, doing in-person workshops for teachers and librarians was one of the best parts of my job. Luckily, those days are back, to some degree. In July, I got to help with a KQED organized a summer media making day for local educators. Then in August, I helped lead professional workshops for …

Leading a Session at NAMLE 2024 on Impactful Student Media Projects

I’m excited to be leading a session at the National Association for Media Literacy Education virtual conference on July 12 at 12:15pm PT. I’ll be facilitating a conversation with three educators that have led inspiring student media projects across various media formats. You’ll learn how English language learners can gain confidence and skills through audio …

Celebrating Five Years at KQED!

I’m of course proud to celebrate my five year anniversary at KQED. It’s been a wonderful journey and I’ve learned and grown so much being here. But honestly I’m even more grateful to be among colleagues celebrating 10, 20, and even 30 years at KQED! A testament to how happy and proud folks are to contribute …