Showing 49 Result(s)

Imaging Coffee Beans: Take One

One of the important responsibilities we have at the California Academy of Sciences is archiving the vast treasury of scientific specimens that we maintain, over 45 million specimens at last count. Much of those collections remain hidden behind well protected walls and shelves, inaccessible to the general public, and only available by special arrangement to …

Cal Academy Teens Hack Together Environmental Sensors using Arduino

On Saturday the California Academy of Sciences hosted a successful “nature hacking” playshop on Saturday with Mitch Altman (pictured above) of the SF hacker space Noisebridge!  Fourteen awesome teens engaged in fun electronics hacking using the Arduino micro controller, LEDs, transistors, sensors, motors, and more. Mitch gave a quick and entertaining introduction to electronics and computing …

Google Cardboard: Virtual Reality on a Budget

I've been working and playing in virtual worlds / virtual reality for a number of years. For a long time, virtual adventurers like me have fantasized about a future where everyone had access to "VR goggles" where you could escape into a simulated space from anywhere. These kinds of VR rigs were sorta cool, but …

Five Things Museums Can Learn from Disneyland

In the museum and informal science education field we often place ourselves in opposition to amusement parks and theme parks.  My own museum’s ED has said to our staff, “we have no pirates” in our museum. From a certain perspective I think that makes sense. Amusement parks as private ventures have as their primary mandate …