My Next Big Thing: Shoutout to My Posse

For the past couple of weeks, I have been focused on next steps in my career. I’m plotting a major professional transition, which is both frightening and thrilling. As I ponder all of the possibilities and consider all of the external and internal factors involved, my brain gets overtaxed with the cognitive load. Then I …

BEASTBOX: Make Your Own Dope Nature Jams!

The Cornell Lab of Ornithology has teamed up with DJ Ben Mirin to bring us BeastBox. Make your own music by mixing wild animal voices with beatbox loops and unlock "Beast Mode" by adding five animals from the same ecosystem. You get access to a special track created by DJ Mirin! I've been playing with it …

A Top-to-Bottom Rainforest Survey in Malaysia

Last week I went to a briefing on a recent Malaysian rainforest expedition that took place last fall in Penang, led by Dr. Meg Lowman.    A huge undertaking, over 117 people participated in the expedition, including both CAS and Malaysian researchers and volunteers. It drew from expertise across IBSS, including arachnid, ant, bird, mosquito, fly, and fern scientists.  …