Science Fortune Cookie: Novel Fecal Defense Mechanism!

One of the many awesome science fortune cookies given out at the Institute for Biodiversity Science and Sustainability open house at the Cal Academy yesterday. More about the Cassidine beetle and its unique fecal defense: The larvae of tortoise beetles (Chrysomelidae, Cassidinae), so called because of the turtle-like appearance of the adults, have an odd habit. …

Awesome, Free Poster on Park Rangers by Tyler Nordgren

Park rangers are unsung naturalists and science educators. But they serve a critical, front-line role in facilitating public engagement and understanding of natural systems and phenomena. Plus, they get a killer uniform. This beautifully designed poster by Tyler Nordgren emphasizes how bad ass park rangers are. I’m putting a print of this up in my …

The Personal and Societal Impacts of Citizen Science

I really liked this piece in Slate magazine on citizen science: “Want to Help Shape the Future?” by Darlene Cavalier and Jason Lloyd. They really hit home the idea that not only is it important for science that people everywhere contribute and participate in it, it’s also important for society and the individuals involved. The key …

Girl Scouts Launch 23 New STEM Badges!

I seriously regret that I didn't have the opportunity to be a Girl Scout as a young person. They seem to get to much cooler stuff than their boy counterparts. According to their website, Girl Scouts has a strong emphasis on building STEM skills in young women: We introduce Girl Scouts of every age to …

iNaturalist: Like Having a Tricorder in Your Pocket!

iNaturalist is already a "must have" app for nature lovers. Using iNaturalist, anyone can take a picture of any living creature they find in the wild, provide whatever information they know about it, and get help identifying it from professional and amateur scientists. It's a dead simple way for anyone, anywhere to contribute to science. …