Imaging Coffee Beans: Take One

One of the important responsibilities we have at the California Academy of Sciences is archiving the vast treasury of scientific specimens that we maintain, over 45 million specimens at last count. Much of those collections remain hidden behind well protected walls and shelves, inaccessible to the general public, and only available by special arrangement to …

Apply for Cal Academy Summer Teen Programs!

I'm excited to announce that the application is now open for teen programs at the California Academy of Sciences. So if you are a Bay Area teen or you know one, have them check out all the awesome programs we have available, including: Teen Science Game Jam: A one-day game design challenge happening on Sunday April …

Cal Academy Teens Hack Together Environmental Sensors using Arduino

On Saturday the California Academy of Sciences hosted a successful “nature hacking” playshop on Saturday with Mitch Altman (pictured above) of the SF hacker space Noisebridge!  Fourteen awesome teens engaged in fun electronics hacking using the Arduino micro controller, LEDs, transistors, sensors, motors, and more. Mitch gave a quick and entertaining introduction to electronics and computing …

My First Geocache Find!

Geocaching is one of those nerdy activities I have been hearing about for years, but never really tried. Last week, we were doing a staff retreat involving exploring a nearby neighborhood, which included a geocache component. I took that as my chance to finally give geocaching a go. I did only a few of the …