My 2019 Highlights at KQED Education

As we close out 2019, I am thinking of all the cool stuff the KQED Education team accomplished over the year. There’s a lot I could mention from across our department, but here I will just focus on projects that I was personally involved in. So here are some of my personal highlights from 2019 …

Stanford Releases “Civic Online Reasoning” Curriculum: Powerful Lessons in Discerning Fact from Fake

I am delighted to share the new set of curricula from the Stanford History Education Group (SHEG), “Civic Online Reasoning.” This set of teaching resources adds to SHEG’s already impressive contributions to the field of media literacy. A key proponent of the “lateral reading” method of online fact checking, SHEG’s “Civic Online Reasoning” curricula takes …

Structuring Mentorship Time

I have a couple of dear colleagues and friends who serve as my professional mentors. We’ve met once a month, mostly over Skype, for the last 4-5 years. We’ve seen each other through many transitions, dramas, shake-ups and job changes. When we started, we had a very simple structure to our time together. Each of …

7 PBS Certified Educators to Watch

I’m excited to share this article I prepared for the KQED Education blog on seven of the educators who have earned the PBS Media Literacy Educator Certification. So many great insights and recommendations from these skilled and dedicated teachers. Check out the blog post here.

Repping KQED at the Presidio Teacher’s Night

Last night was my first opportunity to represent KQED at an exhibitors fair, as part of the annual Presidio Teacher’s Night. This event brought together twenty-some Bay Area educational institutions to connect with and educate local teachers about their programs and offerings. It was awesome getting to chat with local teachers from kindergarten through high …

Vote for KQED’s SXSW EDU Sessions!

The South by Southwest Education Conference and Festival (or as it’s known SXSW EDU) is one of the premiere national events focused on innovation in learning. I’ve heard about this legendary gathering for years, but never had the opportunity to attend. My team at KQED has put forward three killer sessions that we want to …