Showing 7 Result(s)

How I Spent My Three Month Sabbatical

In July, I began my work sabbatical… at least that’s what I called it. I’ve been through several periods of unemployment before, from a few weeks to several months. But I’ve never really approached that time like an opportunity to be exploited. It was more like a frantic scramble to find “my next thing.” This …

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What I Enjoy about Job Interviews… No, Seriously

Job interviews are considered some of the most stressful, nightmare-inducing encounters modern humans have to face. The stakes are high — someone is going to use the results of this interaction to decide whether or not their company will employ you or not. The cost of failure is unemployment or being stuck in a job …

Announcing My New Adventure: KQED Online Learning Manager

I’m thrilled to announce that starting in mid-January, I begin a new position at the public media outlet KQED as an online learning manager. KQED serves the people of Northern California with a community-supported alternative to commercial media. They provide citizens with the knowledge they need to make informed decisions; convene community dialogue; bring the …

LinkedIn Rewards Complacency?

LinkedIn is certainly a powerful professional networking tool. But it also has its own embedded biases. For example these “Congrats to X PERSON for Y years at Z company” basically assumes it’s a good thing that someone stayed someplace and didn’t leaving. That isn’t NECESSARILY something to be congratulated. One could just as easily say, …