LinkedIn Rewards Complacency?

LinkedIn is certainly a powerful professional networking tool. But it also has its own embedded biases. For example these “Congrats to X PERSON for Y years at Z company” basically assumes it’s a good thing that someone stayed someplace and didn’t leaving. That isn’t NECESSARILY something to be congratulated. One could just as easily say, …

Clotheslines and Kitestrings (ice-breaker)

In this ice-breaker, the group has to pick between two contrasting objects, based on their initial gut feeling, and then explain their choice. It’s a fun and active way for people to get to know each other and say something unique about themselves to the group. And it helps people to find commonalities among other …

I Am an Oak Tree (ice-breaker)

I Am An Oak Tree is an ice-breaker adapted from an improv game. It’s designed to get people relating to each other, acting creatively, and creating mini-narratives.  Activity Youth stand in a circle. Ask one person to stands in the middle and proclaim “I am an oak tree,” while making their body into a tree …

“Wah and “Name Wah” Ice-breakers

Today is a two-fer in my extended week sharing my favorite ice-breakers. I’m going to share with you two games I like to have students play a lot: “Wah” and “Name Wah.” Wah “Wah” is an quick and energizing game that is about coordination, observation, and timing that lots of student programs use. “Wah” Instructions …

Robot Factory Ice-breaker Activity

“Robot Factory” is a fun team-building ice-breaker that gets kids creative juices flowing. It scales well for groups of different sizes. It involves no supplies or preparation. I’ve found it engaging for middle school to high school age youth. The objective of Robot Factory is for each team to work together to communicate what their …

Zoom In, Zoom Out (ice-breaker)

Zoom In, Zoom Out is an ice-breaker designed to help students to explore how good stories engage the reader by focusing on tiny details and by telling universal truths. We’ve used it to good effect to get our students creative juices flowing at the beginning of our youth programs. The ice-breaker requires no supplies or …

The Talk Show Ice-breaker

The Talk Show is one of my favorite ice-breakers to get students to know one another toward the beginning of a program. The idea is to pair up students with one another randomly and have each one play the role of a talk show host and talk show guest. The goal is for each student to …

The Raccoon Circle of Sharing (ice-breaker)

The Raccoon Circle is a collection of games and ice-breakers all centered around a circle of rope or tubing used by a group (typically youth). There are hundreds and hundreds of Raccoon Circle activities that have been created and shared virally for years. You can find several online listings of activities (Jim Cain’s being the most …