Are you a Bay Area teen who loves science, wants to geek out about technology, and is interested in making digital media with other teens? The Academy wants you!
I’m excited to announce that Digital Learning at the California Academy of Sciences is launching a new program for high school-aged youth called the “TechTeens.” We’re recruiting a small, dedicated group of teens who are interested in using digital media to engage the public about science. They will be researching different science topics, meeting Academy scientists and professionals, creating their own digital media and sharing it with the world.
The TechTeens program runs from September 29, 2014 to May 9, 2015. Teens will be expected to meet at the Academy at least once a week afterschool, and on other days for special events and programs. Teens from 9th to 12th grades in the coming school year are welcome to apply.
Download the flyer and see this link for more information and to apply. Deadline to apply is September 7.
Please share this information with any teens, parents, teachers, afterschool programs, and others who might be interested.
The TechTeens is a program of Digital Learning at the California Academy of Sciences.