Listen to Object-Oriented Ep 2: Games-based Learning for Science Education

Sonar survivor practice

Barry Joseph of AMNH, Eve Gaus of the Field Museum and I have published episode two of Object-oriented, the podcast on digital learning at collections-based museums. In this episode we focus on a topic near and dear to my heart: games-based learning. 

While lots of other blogs, podcasts, and articles have thoroughly examined and deconstructed how to use games and game design for education, Barry, Eve and I address the topic from our perspectives as science museum educators. And we explore a particular slice of this topic, specifically: What are the benefits and challenges of having youth develop their own games on science subjects?

We describe some of our recent projects where we support youth making science-games, discuss different tools and platforms (Minecraft, Unity, ARIS, etc), and think about the larger gains for our youth, our institutions and the public at large.

We hope you enjoy it!

You can learn more and subscribe to our podcast at and follow us on twitter at @ooriented. 

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