This week, I had the honor of participating in a couple of media literacy events in Moreno Valley, in Southern California. This was my first trip to this part of the state, which was super interesting to visit.
I was there to support a group of educators working on developing their media literacy skills, as well as speak with librarians and administrators about how to bring media literacy to the schools and districts that they serve. It was so helpful for me to get to present about our work to a wide variety of educational professionals, from elementary teachers to statewide officials.
I’m honestly still working on the best ways to present all the programs and offerings of KQED and PBS for educators on media literacy. But everyone was so receptive and excited that it made my job really easy.
I’m excited to see what comes out of these Southern California schools in the coming months. I see that several of them have already applied for micro-credentials, starting their journey toward PBS Certification. So the enthusiasm is definitely there.

This was also my first chance to co-facilitate a workshop with my awesome colleague Almetria. We’re a great team with complementary super-powers. Almetria kicks ass at networking and small talk. I love group facilitation and asking hard questions. Wonder Twin powers, activate!

[…] the fall, I had the pleasure of co-facilitating two days of workshops in the “Inland Empire” area of Southern California. I had never spent any time there […]